Will mp4 play in pro presenter for mac
Will mp4 play in pro presenter for mac

Ultimately for pure video playback Pro video server works the best especially in multi-channel video environments that require sync, etc. Once the video is finished it will wait 5 seconds, then transition to the next slide. For example, If I have a 1 minute long video and a 5 second countdown timer, the video will play when that slide is live. In Pro5 at least the go to next timer counts down after the video/media has finished playback (at least when a video is a slide/slide background), but if its a static slide it does start count down when the slide is live. I think there's an option that says 'go to next'. I've used this feature, but it becomes in pain if you have a lot of clips.

will mp4 play in pro presenter for mac will mp4 play in pro presenter for mac

So say I have 5 clips of varying lengths I have to calculate the go to next time for each.

will mp4 play in pro presenter for mac

Evan Daum wrote:You just set the "Go To Next Timer" on the video object and it'll go to the next video or slide.

Will mp4 play in pro presenter for mac